Amy's art in
progress. |
My next painting is going to be a commissioned painting with a Texas flair. (aka my "get excited about football season" painting!) Stay tuned... especially you Longhorn fans out there.
No, I am not going minimalist. Just be patient. Musical Inspiration of the Day:
The first cow I've ever painted. Musical inspiration of the day: Nora Jones, "The Way Back Home."
Painted some shrubbery. :) Musical inspiration of the day: (plus I watched the Olympics as I painted: men's gymnastics & swimming. Go USA!)
I worked on the ground and thought a lot about composition today. My best idea of the day was to make the land undulating. It will be eventually anyway. Inspiration of the day:
I added a lot today. More undulations and thick paint to mimick dirt...My moment of victory was the idea to make fence posts. Momentary side bar- Inspiration of the day:
Finishing touches... like the dead bush thingys in the foreground and the beginnings of thorns on the cactus. Inspiration of the Day:
"It just got too hard."
"It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard
everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to
Dottie about quitting baseball.