Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.


I just got back from an inspiring trip to Big Bend National Park.  I will soon be beginning my new painting.  This is my preliminary sketch.  Stay Tuned.  Amy 



Yay!  A new painting begins...

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
Kelly Clarkson, Unbreakable.
By the Tree.
Random Christian Rock Mix CD.



My brother emailed me a cool photo from Cali. today and I put it in my fan art section. 

It feels good to be able to paint today.  I'm thankful to get a chance. We should all take time to recognize...

Inspiration of the Day:
Duh! It's the Final Four. I painted and watched Illinois  beat Louisville. (notice the orange influence in my painting today) And UNC spank Mich. State. Good times.


I added more sticks and shadows in the front. I also put some shrubbery in the background but it was being a pain...

So the colors look a lot more accurate when I don't use a flash huh...

Also, Thanks to Rob Ancipink for sending his picture to me today! Take a look.

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
KLOVE Christian radio




I made the sky a darker blue, changed the funky bush on the left side, and added some colors in the grass.  

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
Chris Tomlin, "Arriving" CD. (Song #1fits very nicely with my paintings.) 



I have been working on the plant colors in the foreground today. 

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
Chris Tomlin, "Arriving" CD.
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.