Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.


This is the sketch for my newest painting.  My friend Bonnie lived in Washington State last year and she was gracious enough to help me through my creative block by lending me a few of her photos.  This is her favorite beach that she used to go to.

I am going to paint this one on 3 float frames.  I am hoping to leave parts of the painting clear as an experiment. We'll see what happens! 


The fun begins.  I am painting on some float frames! No music today, just fresh air with my garage door up.  It's a beautiful day!


I worked more on the trees and the sky today.  Nothing like painting on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
The Fray, How to Save a Life CD.


I did more work on the sky today and I also decided to change the frame color.  I am going to make the frame look like a wood grain finish I think.

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
The Fray, How to Save a Life CD.

10.31.2006 ::: Happy Halloween!

When I was painting in my garage a "French Maid" and a "Flight Attendant" asked me to come to a party.  That doesn't happen everyday. :)

I worked on the sky some more today.  I like how this is coming together!  

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
The Fray, How to Save a Life CD.


So I added more orange and light yellow to the middle panel and also more contrast to the water on the bottom.  I also glazed the frames to make them look like they have a wood grain finish. 

I really like how this is turning out!

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
Anna Nalick and Nora Jones.


I worked on the bottom part today.  Mainly on the trees and water.  More work to come...

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
Braveheart Soundtrack. (Basic truth = Everybody loves bagpipes! hehehe)


I worked on the frame part today.  I took the glossiness away on the brown part. I like it better that way because it looks more like wood.  Anyway, I am almost done I think.  The water still needs some work though.

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
Christian music mix CD. 


I changed the color on the inner edge of the frame and took out some of the yellow highlights in the water on the bottom.  I am close to being finished.  I am trying to decide if I should add the tree like in the drawing or not. hmm... 

Musical Inspiration of the Day:
The Fray, How to Save a Life CD.


I finally finished it.  Update coming soon...
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.