Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 7, 2016

I decided to paint some pine cones and sticks that my son picked up in the park. I love how little kids are fasinated by the beauty of everything. It is something worth aspiring to.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 11, 2016

I decied to do a background color around the stick before I officially start the pine cones.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 14, 2016

I started working on some of the pine cones a bit today.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 15, 2016

I started sketching in where the other pine cones will go today. My stratedgy is to start with the dark areas then paint the light seeds on top.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 16, 2016

I worked on the pine cones more today.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 18, 2016

More pince cone work at the top.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 20, 2016

I added more pine cone details and also a few pine needles. I also changed the stick some.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 21, 2016

I worked on the texture of the stick mainly today. I also added some of the red text from the plastic bag. I am hoping it isn't too distracting.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 22, 2016

I worked on the top corner/ the plastic bag shadows today.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

July 23, 2016

More work on the plastic bag shadows. Painting white objects is always a challenge.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

September 12, 2016

More work on the stick...

copyright: Amy Glasscock

September 16, 2016

Still painting the stick...

copyright: Amy Glasscock

September 17, 2016

I worked on the stick and the pine needles on the right side today.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

September 20, 2016

I worked on the top pine cone today and made it more light brown.

copyright: Amy Glasscock

September 24, 2016

I worked on the grey shadowy areas in between the pinecones today. I tried to show some depth within the plastic HEB bag. (Sorry that the image is fuzzy!)

copyright: Amy Glasscock

September 26, 2016

I finished today! I added more pine needles and I added a pine cone at the top.


Click here to see past paintings in progress!
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.