Amy's art in
progress. |
9.27.2010>>> I
am going to paint more birds that I saw @ Jungle Gardens in Sarasota, Florida. This time a flamingo and a heron. 2 paintings @ once! Oh my! *** I am going
to be making a bunch of smaller paintings for a while to prepare for
the |
This is the background for my heron painting. It is green water. |
I painted in the basic shape of the heron today. |
10.6.2010 Happy to me! :)
I started painting his face and feathers. |
I worked on the water in the background, added to his feathers and added his legs. I also added some grass in the foreground. |
I worked on his beak and head today. |
"It just got too hard."
"It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard
everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to
Dottie about quitting baseball.