Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.

7.8.2010>>>  Next my newest Hawaii painting of a black lava beach!
Here is a rough sketch of the layout:


I started sketching out the composition today.  Did I mention that this thing is big?  6 feet by 3 feet!  Wowza!


I started adding the water today.  I used blues and greens and some white.  Think I'm gonna need more paint.


I started adding the black lava today.  There are lots of colors in black lava actually.


I got some new paint so I added some new blueish greens to the water today. It helped show the contrast in the waves.  


I added more dark blue to the water in the background and I started adding some of the green plants on the lava.


I added more of the rocks in the foreground.


I made the rocks in the foreground a little bit darker to make them appear closer.  I also added some more of the white splashes in the water.


I worked on the leaves in the foreground and also started painting the shrubbery on the right side.


I worked on the water on the right side in the foreground.  I also added some more yellow to the leaves.


I worked on the water on the right side in the foreground again.  It has been annoying me all day.  I also worked on the waves on the left side as well.


I added some plants near the lava in the foreground.  I also added more leave on the right side.  I also worked on the grass in the background as well. 


I worked on the plants on the right side.  I added more dark brown/black contrast.


I added some pine needles in the foreground on the rocks in the middle. I also changed the shapes of the leaves on the right side and added some at the bottom of the left side.  I also made the water in the foreground have a bit more blue green in it.  I am finished now I think... more details to come.

Click here to see past paintings in progress!
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.