Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.

I got inspired for this painting walking around St. Petersburg Florida.  Here's my sketch.


Another Florida painting begins!



I added the under painting and some clouds.  

Musical Inspiration of the Day: itunes shuffle



I added a lighter green/blue color to the sky and some stripes to the building. (It looks a bit like a crayon or Charlie Brown right now doesn't it?)  I also added some light yellow to the wall in the foreground.

*Note: My computer crashed last Sunday and I lost my website, but I got it back again.  God is good! 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: itunes shuffle



I added more lines to the building... thought a little about Piet Mondrian... and also a


I added more lines to the building... thought a little about Piet Mondrian... and also added the purple square in the foreground. 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: itunes shuffle

My computer crashed... sorry for the delay in posting...


I started painting the palm tree.





I added more to the palm tree.



I added more yellow lines to the building.

Musical Inspiration of the Day: Bonnie's mix CD!


I added a mustard color to the windows on the right side.

Musical Inspiration of the Day: Bonnie's mix CD!


I added black lines beside the yellow lines on the building.

Musical Inspiration of the Day: Bonnie's mix CD!


I added the second tree and more leaves on the big tree.



I added the shadow and contrast to the second tree. 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: radio-classical music- one question: where do they get these announcers? :)



I added more dark colors to the leaves on the big tree and I also tried to change the bottom part of the tree... though it is a bit frustrating right there right now.  I also added some grayish blue to the purple square and to the windows on the right side of the building. 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: radio-- classical music



I added some lighter brown to the big tree trunk and some light green to it's leaves and also light green to the little tree's leaves.

Musical Inspiration of the Day: none



It's 104 degrees in my art studio and the air conditioner keeps blowing out the circuit.  Not sure what I'm gonna do besides drink lots of liquids...

I changed the leaves on the big tree some- added more dark green.  I also added a lighter color brown to the trunk.  I also went over the yellow lines on the right side of the building again.

Musical Inspiration of the Day: none



I figured out the AC needs 15 amps & that's all the circuits in the garage can handle- 15 amps. So if anything else is plugged into the circuit it's bad news bears. So after blowing out the circuit @ least 4 times today, I got it to keep going! I got the temp down from 106 to 90!  I felt a little like those Apollo 13 guys... never mind.

I added more orange and more dark blue green to the right tree.  And I also worked on the leaves of the left tree.  And I decided to add the American flag that is in the photo that I took.  

Musical Inspiration of the Day: none



I added more to the tree shadow and painted more yellow on the right building as well.  I also added some tiny reddish purple highlights in various places.

The end is near... I think! :) 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: none



I'm still working on the tree on the right...  

Musical Inspiration of the Day: none



I made a little more contrast on the windows of the building.  I also changed the leaves on the tree with some light green.  I will have to work a bit more with the leaves and then I think that I am finished!

Musical Inspiration of the Day: none
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.