Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.


Next I am going to paint the Cheif Osceola "Unconquered"statue and
the football stadium at Florida State. Stay tuned for updates!

copyright: Amy Glasscock



Here is my sketch of my Florida State painting. I am trying to figure out how big it should be now... hmmm... also I am thinking about painting it on an oval canvas. Decisions, decisions...


copyright: Amy Glasscock


I started painting today...

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked more on the shrubbery and then started working on the stadium. I'm trying to find the correct color... my new paint is throughing me off a bit I think.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the building color and the sky color today.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the clouds and sky. I also started adding in the windows and arches in the stadium.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on making some more layers of blues in the sky. I also made the circle for the statue wider and added in more bushes and added roses. And I added in some of the architectural details and pavement details too.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the pavement in front of the statue again. I'm trying to get all the wacky angles correct. (I'm waiting to paint the statue until close to the end.)

copyright: Amy Glasscock



copyright: Amy Glasscock


I started adding the horse statue today!

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the building details and also on the statue details.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the curb in the front and a little on the railing again. I also added a shadow on the left side of the middle part of the building. And I added some shrubbery in the background. Almost done I think... I still need to work on the slopes inside the stadium on the right and left sides.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I changed the color of the building again.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the bricks on the ground again today. And I also changed some of the window shapes.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the railings in the stadium on the right and left. I also started adding some lines in the bricks today.

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the bricks more today. I think that I will be finished soon!

copyright: Amy Glasscock


I worked on the statue and added the flame!


Click here to see past paintings in progress!
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.