Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.


I am painting this one for my friend's Serena & Justin's wedding program cover.  I have a due date so I thought that I better get started on this one first. Ahhh...gotta love wedding season!




I got a lot done tonight.  But I still have a lot of work to do on the window and the pews.  Plus I am going to add a veil.

Some thoughts about brides. See Revelation 21:1-4. I love symbolism!

Musical Inspiration of the Day:  KLOVE Christian Radio.


I worked on the window today. 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: 
George Strait Mix &
Braveheart Soundtrack (Gotta love those bagpipes!)



I added some more light blue to the window. Didn't spend too much time on this one today. 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: 
KLOVE radio &
Braveheart Soundtrack



I added the veil and also worked on the window. 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: 

Kutless, Sea of Faces.


Still working on the window.   

Musical Inspiration of the Day: U2



Still working on the window.  Almost done I think... 

Musical Inspiration of the Day: U2, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.




I worked on the cross again. Eventually I will get it right...

Musical Inspiration of the Day: KLOVE  radio



I worked on the cross again. Almost...

Musical Inspiration of the Day: Chris Tomlin, Arriving.
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.