Amy's art in progress.
See regular updates of my progress on each new painting.

8.13.2012 >>> I am trying to figure out a Yellowstone National Park painting next.
There are many photos to go through, so it may take a few days. Stay tuned!


copyright: Amy Glasscock




I decided to paint the canyon area at Yellowstone during dusk. My sketch is pretty rough but the shadows of the mountains look really cool. It will make more sense in color so stay tuned.



copyright: Amy Glasscock



I started painting the canyon's yellow colors... I'm just blocking in the shapes at this point though.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I finally had time to paint again today. I added some of the trees in the background and started filling in some of the shadows as well.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I'm still filling in all the shapes to start... more details to come.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I worked on the right side rocks today. I started adding in some of the jagged cliff shapes.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I worked on the waterfall area and the rocks to the left of it.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I changed the colors in the water and waterfall today.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I changed both sides of the canyon. I also started working on the foreground rocks. I am going to try to finish it tomorrow. We will see!


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I worked on the foreground today. I have lots more details to go. This is going to take longer than I thought.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I worked on the trees in the background. I changed them to more muted colors and tried to show more details of the trees. I changed some of the colors in the foreground rocks. I am not happy with that section yet. I also need to define the shadows etc. on the left side of the canyon. So I still have some work to do!


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I worked on the left side of the canyon today. I added the shadow and more details.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I worked on the foreground today. I changed the rocks on the right side mainly.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



I worked on the rocks in the foreground again.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



More work on the rocks in the foreground.


copyright: Amy Glasscock



More foreground rocks...


Click here to see past paintings in progress!
"It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard, if it wasn't hard 
everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great." 
- Jimmy in League of Their Own talking to 
Dottie about quitting baseball.