Photos of my trip to Kenya
September 11-25, 2004.





(Visit my photo gallery to see my best photos from my Kenya trip.)

I spent most of the month of September traveling with a group from my church to the Country of Kenya in Northeast Africa.   As I think back to the many amazing sites and people that I encountered there, I still struggle to wrap my mind around the many things that I learned.  I am left with vivid memories of dark skinned people leading their oxen down deep brown linear rows of earth. Each row guiding my sun-glass covered eyes to horizons of distant blue sun kissed mountains as that merge with stark, bright, equatorial skies. Memories of women fixing mud to the walls of their thatched roofed homes as their babies wearing not much more than Americanized t-shirts stained with dirt and ventilated with holes from years of everyday use, crawl around on the earth from which they came. I remember fields of yellow ocher and burnt sienna colored sand covered with ominous thorn covered plants. Some with spikes so big that a hiking shoe is no match for them. Natives commonly use these thorns for natural barbed wire and to me they seem to be an exclamation point to the sentiment that life here is difficult. The exact opposite of the life I am used to. I live in a land where a bad day is when your AC goes out or a national disaster is claimed over the loss of a few hundred houses. Whereas in Kenya thousands are dying of AIDS and starvation, hundreds of homeless orphans wonder the streets begging for food, but no disaster is claimed there because this is simply the norm.  However, in the end, the amazing thing that I discovered about the Kenyan people is that they exude an admirable sense of joy and faith in there everyday lives.  Their lives are simple and free from many of the luxuries that distract Americans from what really matters: like faith, hope, and love. In the end I think that this simplicity is a huge blessing.

I learned so much in Kenya that I made a special website to explain more clearly what our trip was about. If you are interested you can visit my Kenya site here


To the Hogan's of Dallas.  The newest owners of an Amy Glasscock original painting!

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"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a
new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making
a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
- the Bible, Isaiah 43:18-19