my newest painting: |
Remember: Paintings make great graduation presents! |
Congrats to my big brother Ed for
graduating with his PhD from Cal Berkeley this May! 4.29.2005 I took a Spring Break trip to Big Bend National Park (Texas) this March to find some inspiration for a new painting. The park was full of wild flowers and cacti blooming against the breathtaking backdrop of desert sand and mountain peaks. As I hiked around the park I just couldn't help but think about how beautiful Creation is and how small I am in it. And for some reason when I walk around these kind of places I also think about how life was before cars and flush toilets, hiking shoes and protein bars. Back when all you had was your horse and the clothes on your back. I wonder what it would be like to just take off for some distant place that you have never seen before- like the pioneers moving to California back in the day. What awe and wonder you would feel as you experienced new plants and animals for the first time. How amazing to see unexpected blue mountains decorating the horizon. What a gift that would be to be able to see Creation with fresh eyes and be amazed by its wonder and beauty. To really see it, you know? Unlike us who have a picture book and website showing you every detail before you even begin your trip. Of course, don't get me wrong: I would probably die of some weird skin rash or something if I was a frontier woman. And I would probably chose the wrong leaf at the toilet hole if you catch my drift. But I think that we should all take time to think about having that kind of wonder in our lives and about how to attain it. It really does exist you know. Needless to say I returned home inspired to paint this. PS- If you think about it, frontier people
probably didn't have glasses back then so they probably couldn't see the
horizon or even the amazing milky way covered night sky. But you see
my point anyway, right? ALSO: Check out some of my Big Bend photos in my revamped photo gallery! Special thanks to: Rob Ancipink for sending a photo of him and his new painting! "From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea *** "Now we see but a
poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to
face. |
detail of painting |
"Forget the former things; do
not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a
new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making
a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
- the Bible, Isaiah 43:18-19