my newest painting: |
9.01.2004 The idea for this painting came from a visit to a ranch in the Texas Hill Country for a church retreat. The ranch was filled with beautiful patches of cactus and trees. Me and some friends decided to walk around and explore. We not only came upon a plethora of cow patties, but also one of the culprits: this bull. He was just standing there staring at us ominously. So, of course, I went closer to him to take his photo. This is a commissioned painting for the Hogan's of Dallas Texas. You can see what this painting
looked like in
progress here and as a special bonus you can see my extraneous inspirations too.
"Forget the former things; do
not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a
new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making
a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
- the Bible, Isaiah 43:18-19